Category Archives: Miscellaneous Musings

Overnight Sessions – what to expect

MistressAynDecNW-31e“If you have ever been skydiving, it felt like that, only it lasted for 12 hours. A total twisting of time and space.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight

People often ask Me what to expect from an overnight session and although there is no “typical overnight” there are some general concepts that apply.  In this article, I speak for Myself only.  Each Domme handles overnights differently and some don’t offer overnights at all.  The tributes for overnights vary greatly too, so be sure you know what you are getting for the money spent.  I heard of a local Domme offering overnights for $800 but that included only 4 hours of play, a sleep over and then about 30 minutes of play the next morning.  Not a bad deal. In fact, it looks cheap compared to My tribute for an overnight, but the two experiences are not comparable.

  • Unless otherwise negotiated, overnights run from 8pm – 8am.
  • They may or may not include dinner at a restaurant where I may or may not engage in some discreet public play.
  • In general, overnights include at least 6 hours of intense dungeon play.  There may be short breaks to allow the sub to recuperate. These breaks may include sharing a small snack with Me, rubbing My feet or some alone bondage time – depending on the subs interests and My present need or mood.
  • Once the evening’s play has concluded (around 3-4am), the sub is either locked in a cage or chained to the floor for a short rest before morning wake up call.
  • About 90 minutes prior to departure time, I will awake the sub and usually engage in some sort of short play.  If you have been teased and locked away in chastity, this may be your chance for release if you have been a good boy.  If you are a human toilet, I may decide to relieve Myself.  If you have been taught to be a good slut, I may test some of your training.  I think you get the picture.  This is also a time that allows for bonding and additional aftercare prior to the sub getting a shower and preparing to re-enter the real world.
  • Additional players (Mistresses, female subs, vanillas) require additional tribute
  • Outings usually do not require additional tribute beyond the cost to enter the venue.
  • Overnights are only possible at the fully equipped Atlanta Dungeon.  I do not do overnights while traveling,

“It was a glimpse of a fantasy lifestyle. If you are considering this, I highly recommend you take the plunge.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight session

What I like about overnights:  Overnights (and even longer sessions) offer the closest thing to lifestyle play that there is in the Professional Domination world.  There is no thought of a clock.  I don’t worry about the pacing of the session.  In fact I seldom have a session plan for overnights.  I simply get very familiar with the subs interests and then allow the session to take U/us where it naturally flows.

“I have been visiting Pro Dommes for the past 20 some years and my experience last week was a game changer.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight session

Reviews of some of My Overnights:

To arrange an overnight, you will need to complete the experience/fetish form if you have not already done so.  The base tribute is $1750 and 20% deposit is required to book.

 “I was allowed to sleep on the dungeon’s floor as a poor remnant of what I used to be.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight session



It’s My birthday! It’s My birthday!

WVA-0042aMay is My birthday month and I like taking a page from a friends of Mine’s book and celebrating all month long.

The actual date is May 12th and I already have a near full schedule that week.  Several of My best boys have scheduled sessions to help Me celebrate and Onyx Love (cross dresser extraordinaire) is taking Me to Ru Paul’s Drag Race.  The week prior (May 5th – 7th) I will be at Frolicon and celebrating with friends – so May is looking like an awesome month.

Goodies have already started to arrive and I am anxiously awaiting a super luxurious pair of thigh high boots from Arollo Boots and a dragon scale top to match the strap-on that I got for Christmas.

Want to help Me celebrate?  Book a session and let Me use you as I see fit.

Alternatively you can send Me something off one of My wishlists:

Etsy Registry


Levels of Submission – Where are you?

A Mistress on Twitter tweeted a link to this article. The link is below, but it has some popups and weird messages, so I have copied the article below the link.

Here is the link if you care to go to it:



The Nine Degrees of Submission are important to understand. Like any other relationship, there are boundaries. Think of the straight people you know. Sometimes the man rules the roost. Other times it’s the woman. But most always, one has a little more power than the other. It varies from couple to couple. So why is it that most gay and lesbian men and women expect our relationships to be completely 50/50? No other group is. Naturally, all humans have it programmed in their heads to be either Dominate or submissive on some level or another. Obviously, if you’re reading this, you don’t fall into the vanilla category, but you may not fall into the most extreme one either. I urge to read and understand each level and find where you fit in. Also remember, just because today you fit into say level 3, after proper training you may find you are level 7.

1. THE KINKY SENSUALIST – The kinky sensualist is not a trained sub. There is no servitude, humiliation or giving up control. This level is just “spiced up sensuality”. This is the first step beyond vanilla.

2. PSEUDO SUBMISSIVE NON-SLAVE – The Pseudo Submissive Non-Slave is not even into “playing” slave but into other submissive role-playing such as school teacher scenes, infantilism, “forced” transvestism. Usually into humiliation inter-action to a large degree.

3. PSEUDO-SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE – The Pseudo-Submissive Play Slave likes to play at being a slave; likes to feel subservient; might, in some cases, like to feel one is being “used” to gratify partner. May even really serve the dominant in some ways, but only on the “slave’s” own terms. Dictates the interaction to a large degree.

4. TRUE SUBMISSIVE – NON SLAVE – The True Submissive, Non-Slave really gives up control (though only temporarily and within agreed-upon limits), but gets her/his main satisfaction from aspects of submission, other than serving or being used by the dominant.
Usually turned on by suspense, vulnerability, and/or giving up responsibility. Doesn’t dictate the scene except in very general terms, but still seeks mainly his/her own direct pleasure (rather than getting one’s pleasure mainly from pleasing dominant).

5. SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE – The Submissive Play Slave really gives up control (though only temporarily, within limits) and gets main satisfaction from serving dominant – but only for FUN purposes, usually erotic. May or may not be into pain. If so, is turned on by pain indirectly, i.e. enjoys partner’s pleasure, on which the submissive places very few requirements or restrictions.

6. UNCOMMITTED SHORT-TERM BUT MORE THAN PLAY SEMI-SLAVE – This slave really gives up control (usually within limits). Wants to serve and be enslaved by the dominant; wants to provide practical/non-erotic as well as fun/erotic services; but only when the “slave” is in the mood. May even act as a full-time slave for, say, several days at a time, but is free to quit at any time (or at the end of agreed
upon several days). May or may not have long term relationship. Either way, the “slave” has the final say over when he will serve.

7. PART-TIME CONSENSUAL, BUT REAL SLAVE – This slave has an ongoing commitment to an owner/slave relationship and regards oneself as the dominant’s property at all times. Wants to obey and please dominant in all aspects of life, practical/non-erotic and fun/erotic. Devotes most of time to other commitments (e.g. job, kids) but dominant has first pick of the slave’s free time. This is a live-in arrangement.

8. FULL TIME LIVE IN CONSENSUAL SLAVE – Within no more that an few broad limits/requirements, the slave regards himself as existing solely for the Dom’s pleasure/well being. Slave expects to be regarded as a prized possession. Not much different from the situation of the traditional housewife, except that within the S/M world the slave’s position is more likely to be fully consensual. Within the S/M world, a full time slave “arrangement” is entered into with explicit awareness of the magnitude of power that is being given up, and hence is usually entered into much more carefully, with more awareness of the possible dangers, and with much clearer and more specific agreements.

9. CONSENSUAL TOTAL SLAVE WITH NO LIMITS – This is a common fantasy ideal. Probably doesn’t exist in real life (accept in authoritarian religious cults and other situations where the consent is induced by social or economic pressures, and hence isn’t fully consensual). A few SM purists will insist that you aren’t really a slave unless you’re willing to do absolutely anything for your Dom, with no limits. This is the most difficult level to achieve, however; it is the most common fantasy. One would be required to cut off contact with his previous live including friends and family.

I would say that most subs I see professionally fall between 1 and 5. 5 is sort of the “sweet spot” for Me. 1s can end up being “kingsters” as I heard MIB refer to them and beyond 6 can be clingy and needy. That’s one Woman’s opinion. What is yours?  Join this discussion on The Buzz.

CBT (cock and ball torture) – make it hurt so good

I just had a NiteFlirt session where I had a sub torment his own cock and balls.  He got hard while we were chatting and he asked if I would let him go to the bathroom and cum.  (He was at the office at the time – so much for work productivity.)  I agreed, but only if he would punish his cock and balls a bit first.  I had him take a rubber band from his desk and then sent  him into a bathroom stall where he was instructed to bind his balls with the rubber band and then scratch and slap them a bit.  He was made to continue playing with himself until he issued a little pre-cum, and then he was instructed to eat it.  By this time, he is throbbing and begging to cum.  “No”, I say.  “Slap that cock hard and get it under control.”  I could hear the slaps and groans through the phone.  The begging and the slapping went on for a while and I finally had mercy and allowed him to cum – but he had to slap his balls at the same time.  The resulting groan was almost deafening

It was fun.  We both had a good time.  But nothing compares to My having My slender fingers around those tender dangly bits.  I like tying the balls off and wrapping the cord over and over until the balls are stretched away from the body.   They are so much more vulnerable that way.  Then I like to scratch, rub, thump, slap . . .  anything that takes your breath away.  That’s the warm up, now it’s time to really get down to business.  Clamps, weights, electrical, sounds – the list of indignities I can make your pathetic cock and balls submit to are almost endless.


To see how brutal I can be on just the right type of cock, see this clip – Extreme CBT – Destroy his cock and balls.


So, if you think you are up to it, schedule a CBT session with Me – live or on NiteFlirt.  I can be gentle, but I probably won’t be.

A year in reflection – 2015

IMG_0155_a b&wThis is the time of year that I start to wax nostalgic.  As we get ready to usher in a new year, I reflect back on the good, the bad and the ugly of the previous year.  Inevitably I find so much more to be thankful for than to be disgruntled about – mainly because of the wonderful subs that populate My stable.  you boys truly are the wind beneath My wings.

2015 was a remarkable year in many ways. was launched and I greatly appreciate the ones that came on board early and have continued to stay and watch the site grow.  Ayn Rules productions is now making custom videos and chart topping Clips4Sale content (all available on  I have acquired top of the line production equipment and resources  – again thanks to the site’s supporters and a well placed gift here and there.

Speaking of gifts, I have gotten some marvelous ones – most recently a gorgeous pair of Louboutin patent leather pumps.  Drool all you foot/shoe fetishists. My filming dungeon now sports a super heavy duty spanking bench (hand crafted by a loyal slave) and a huge cage – both new additions this year.  I have also been given some super cool electro toys making My electro gadget collection second to none.  Loads of toys and clothing (and even furniture) have been purchased off My wishlists.  And I can’t forget the custom made paddles that I “demanded” one sub make.  I thank you all for your generosity – you know who you are . . .

The icing on the cake this year was being awarded a Domme Board on the forum, The Buzz.  Now I finally have a voice outside My Own domain and I appreciate those of you that have supported My board by registering and communicating with Me there.

All in all, 2015 was a pretty damned good year and I look forward to making 2016 even better.  With the continued gift of your submission, I am sure it will be.


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