Category Archives: Miscellaneous Musings

All those pesky acronyms and abbreviations in BDSM

bus-1241459_1920For some reason kinksters love their acronyms.  Maybe it’s the need to be discrete in front of others or maybe it’s the geek in us wanting to have a secret lingo that only the “in crowd” understands.  Whatever the reason it can get cumbersome at times.  I remember a Domme texting Me once asking what NT meant.  A sub had listed his kinks in acronyms and she was drawing a blank on that one.  When I replied, “nipple torture”, she did the proverbial face palm.  Of course she knew what NT meant, but with all these to remember (plus subs occasionally make up their own) it can be difficult to recall them sometimes.

Recently on Twitter I announced that I was about to see a particular sub and listed the day’s menu in hashtag acronyms.  When he arrived at the dungeon he said he had been worrying all day what #SOT meant.  I pulled out My strap on and he got it – in more ways than one.

Below is a list some of the most common abbreviations used in Female Domination:

AB – Adult Baby
ATM – Ass to Mouth
BBW – Big Beautiful Woman
BDSM – Bondage & Discipline (BD) Dominance & submission (Ds) Sadism & Masochism (SM)
CBB – Cock and Ball Bondage
CBT – Cock and Ball Torture
CD – Crossdresser
CFNM – Clothed Female, Naked Male
CP – Corporal Punishment
Cuck – Cuckold
D/s – Dominant/submissive
FEMDOM – Female Domination
FT or FTT – Full Toilet or Full Toilet Training
GS – Golden Shower
NT – Nipple Torture
OTK – Over The Knee
RACK – Risk Aware Consensual Kink
SPH – Small Penis Humiliation
SOT – Strap On Training
SOW – Strap On Worship
SSC – Safe Sane Consensual
TPE – Total Power Exchange
TS – Trans Sexual
WS – Water Sports

The vote is in and the contest was won.

contestIt’s official. Ayn’s Army Ruled. To the Victor goes the spoils!  A big thank you to everyone that voted and encouraged others to vote.  The final tally is no longer visible, but I heard the end result was around 3000 votes to the nearest competition’s 2000 votes.  That’s a respectable margin.

Another big thank you goes to Goblin Fruit Photography for the entry winning photo.

My bespoke corset has been ordered and another photo shoot will be in order once it is delivered.  Be sure to visit Corset Deal’s website.  They even have men’s corsets.

Help Me win a custom made corset. Vote!

Mistress Ayn UPDATE:  I am currently in first place, so let’s keep it that way.  2200 votes and counting . . .

Corset Deal is offering a custom tailored corset to the winner of their new photo contest. I threw My hat into the ring and am now needing all My fans’ support (and vote) in order to pull this one out.  you all want to see Me in a new corset, don’t you?   The more votes I get on this photo, the better chance I have at winning, so follow the link, search for Ayn if you don’t immediately see Me, and then click to vote. You need a facebook account to vote, but it doesn’t show your vote on your profile and you don’t have to hit the “share” button when you have finished.  That function doesn’t appear to be working anyway.

You can vote about every 6 hours, so vote often. If you vote, reply to this post and tell Me what number you were. I want to be able to thank all the people that helped.

To keep up with all the crazy fun on Facebook, friend Me at

Photo courtesy of Goblin Fruit Photography.


FAQ #23 – Is it necessary to have my session in a real Dungeon?

Atlanta DungeonI am often asked if I do outcalls and the answer is “NO”.  To Me, nothing compares to a session in a real, fully equipped dungeon.  I session in hotels when I travel out of necessity, but you can’t have a St. Andrew’s Cross or a spanking bench in a hotel room.  It’s not only about the equipment, it is the whole atmosphere.  For a submissive, knowing that you have walked into the lair of a Dominant Woman is akin to walking into the lair of a Lioness.  It fills you with awe and fear  . . . and it should.

In the fully equipped Atlanta Dungeon I have a medical room, a main dungeon room, an isolation room (scream as loud as you like) an small domestic/reception area and a sissy/confinement room, so I can choose the best atmosphere for the planned session.

A real dungeon is where I am in My element.  That is where I belong and that is where you should submit.


What people think I do versus what I really do.



Still one of My favorite images.

whatpeoplethinkido-46-dominatrix (2)

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