Category Archives: Miscellaneous Musings

Meme contest winner

The winning entry of the Meme contest was submitted by My very Own “panty sue” and she earned herself one free month of My content site:  There were some really great entries and I thank everyone that participated.  I will tweet some of the other submissions in the upcoming weeks.


Meme building contest

Kiss the hand Ayn



Are you handy with Photoshop or some other photo editing software?  If so you could win free access to My content site,

  1. Choose a photo from My website, blog, Twitter feed, ads, etc.
  2. Put your creative cap on and think of a clever, funny, motivational or promotional slogan to add to the picture.
  3. Email your entry to

For those that are a bit tech challenged, you can even create one here:    The best entry gets one month free access to all the videos and photo sets on My content site.  It’s that simple.  Good luck and get cracking.

Feel free to tweet your ideas for crowd feedback, but official entries must be emailed.  Deadline is May 1st.  Winner announced shortly thereafter.  All entries become the property of Mistress Ayn.

A poem for Mistress Ayn

warrenI was contacted by a submissive who wanted Me to take over control of his cock.  It was a simple enough request.  I would call him anytime, day or night, and ask if My cock was hard.  If it wasn’t he had to take the necessary measures to make sure it was standing at attention for Me.  I agreed to take on the responsibility of clyde’s cock, but I added a stipulation – clyde wasn’t allowed to ejaculate.  Hmmm . . . hard cock, held chaste for Me.  I love it.

After about 2 weeks of this, poor clyde was in agony, so we scheduled a session.  I decided to ratchet things up a bit the day of his session.  (That’s a big surprise, right?)  He was instructed to wear tight thong underwear that would effectively strap the phone to his cock and balls.  The phone was put on vibrate and for the next 24 hours, I tortured clyde’s cock remotely.  From the wee hours of the morning through the business meetings he had the next day – I was ruthless.

One of clyde’s many tasks over the preceding two weeks was to write Me a poem.  He presented Me with the poem at our session and I made him read it to Me aloud.  What I had expected was a glorified limerick.  What he gave Me was 3 page manifesto.  So I teased him while he read to Me by calling the phone that was still strapped to his cock.  By now his cock was so sensitive that we would jump and dance around while it rang.  What a site!  Poor clyde in his tight little black thong, jumping around while trying to read his ode to Me.  The vision still brings a smile to My face.

The photo to the right is a picture of clyde’s poem.  It is a little crinkled because I used it to clean the pre-cum off his cock during the session.  Clyde was a very messy boy.




Edging into chastity – one sub’s perspective

20100731-05834-web-copyThis musing was written by one of My greedy little sluts (My gls) who will remain in his hiding place to the rest of the world.  All that matters is that he surfaces when he serves Me – which isn’t often enough for either of Us/us.

“Edging into Chastity. It may be your first telephone call or your forty-first email it makes no difference. Standing or sitting, you are still deciding whether to push the final button right up till when you either weaken or gain resolve. The push of the send button dispatching a carefully crafted email, or pressing that last number on your phone dials Her number. you are drawn to Her like a moth to a flame. you can never resist.

You meet Her criteria and are granted a session. It might be in 24 hours or two weeks, it doesn’t matter.

The time leading up to Your/your session is like the countdown to a rocket launch. You are in preparation mode now, driven by your own sense of preparedness, or better still following Her instructions to the letter.

As the clock moves you closer, your heartbeat increases and your mind wanders. You surreptitiously visit Her website, follow Her tweets, read Her blog, then the realization hits; you have already become Her sub, Her sissy, Her slut, Her slave and Her session is still three days away.

Suddenly you are standing in front of Her Dungeon pressing another button. This time the pressing of a button opens a door, a door that leads you into the dark secrets that you keep hidden from everyone but Her.

you step inside into the place where you most want to be. The door closes and in a matter of minutes She takes you from that place that you have always dreamed of, to a place She knows you need to be.

you were afraid of this happening and you wonder how She knew about that other place.”

Male Chastity – The great equalizer


Most of you know that I love chastity.  Locking unruly boys away and holding on to the key is a great way to get whatever I want from a man.  After all, everyone knows you are led around by your dicks anyway, so I might as well do it the right way and make it pay.

The possibilities of chastity are almost endless.  If a sub is lazy, chastity is a great motivator.  If a sub spends too much energy mastrubating, chastity will free up more time for him to serve his Mistress. If a boi needs an attitude adjustment, there is nothing like being violated while your cock is in a cage to help you get your head on straight.  Chastity has a way of not only leveling the playing field, but it can totally turn the tables.  That is why it puts such a big smile on My face.  Look at Me in the clips below.  Don’t I look happy?


Are you a fan of chastity?  A fan of Me?  Then join My content site where you can get assess to full length chastity clips, original chastity erotica and much more for a low monthly tribute.  Take a tour here:



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