Category Archives: Miscellaneous Musings

Demystifying the appeal of 50 Shades – Hint: It has nothing to do with BDSM

MistressAynDec2014--7eI know we are all tired of the hype, reviews and general trashing of 50 Shades of Grey. Personally I never thought I would chime in on the subject.  I didn’t see the movie and I was only able to read about half of the book before giving up on there being anything meaningful or entertaining about BDSM in the novel.  After about 200 pages there had only been one spanking scene and a tour of Grey’s dungeon – hardly what I would call a book about BDSM.

Now that the movie is out, once again My news feed is inundated with articles about it – most of which I dismiss and don’t even skim, but today one caught My attention.  It was titled:  “Forget the BDSM in 50 Shades – It’s all about the money.”  After just a cursory look at the article I could see that it had finally put into words what had been worrying around in the back of My mind, but for some reason I had been unable to articulate.  This is the quote that caught My eye:  “This fetishization of wealth, along with Grey’s whiteness and good looks, also seems to be the only thing that excuses his obsessive, stalkerish behavior throughout . . . Just ask yourself a simple question: Would a story about a poor but psychologically controlling farmer who likes tying up girlfriends and whipping them in a barn have had the impact on our nation’s consciousness that Fifty Shades has?”  Bingo!  This book isn’t about BDSM.  It’s about the fantasy of being “rescued” and living the “good life” . . . about flying in private jets and drinking $500 bottles of wine.  Submitting to a little abuse or swallowing your dignity is just the price for entry.

BDSM was just a gimmick to sell what has been sold to women for ages -your security and success comes in the form of a man.  And I guess if that is what women want to believe, these types of “romance” books will stay on the bestseller list.  (That is a topic far beyond My expertise and pay grade so I will not expound further.)  The book(s) weren’t meant to edify or destroy BDSM.  They were meant to entertain and make money – and that has been done quite successfully.

As much as I wish it were true, I doubt very seriously that after reading the book, many women tapped their partners and said, “wanna tie me up and spank me tonight?” or “want me to tie you up and spank you?”  (For those few that did, kudos to you.)  I just hope they are not looking at their partner and finding them lacking – longing for their prince charming.  Hopefully it’s just a bit of escapism, but I have always thought that these types of romance novels perpetuated disillusionment and set a bar for real men that is impossible to attain.  So in the end, I don’t think this book has set back BDSM.  I don’t really think it has set back anything – it’s just reinforced the status quo.

A natural progression – one subs story

MistressAynDec2014--36e2Learning your place in the D/s relationship is a journey.  Some subs take it seriously.  Others don’t.  The ones that get the most from their time with a chosen Domme are the subs that can “let go”.  After all, the power exchange is what true D/s is all about.  My gls (that’s the name I gave him and what it stands for will remain a secret between us) wrote a wonderful open letter about topping from the bottom several months ago and as he has continued to grow he wants to continue to share his epiphanies with others. Below is his follow up to “Topping from the Bottom”.

i have been mulling my thoughts over since i wrote “Topping from the Bottom,” which was part of an unrequested apology to Mistress Ayn for my unwillingness to truly accept Her Power over me, and to fully accept my submission to Her.

It was obvious to me that i had a lot more to learn, and understand about my obligations to Her, as well as understand both what She means to me, and what Her responsibilities are to me as my Mistress.

No matter when, there will be a time when we as subs finally realize and understand our place in the presence of Our/our Dominatrix. Many of us i believe, never get to understand what that really means. i believe that there are a lot of reasons for that.

Some subs initially date/partner/marry bossy women because they have a need to serve, but are still lost and confused with regard to Who they are really searching for.

Some subs, seek out prosti-dommes whose inexperience and greed can leave subs more confused and  feeling worse about themselves than ever before. Thanks to the internet all subs now have the opportunity to find competent Professionals but not every Domme is suited to every sub, chemistry is still involved, and that makes the search for one’s Domme so much harder and the successful match up so much sweeter.

We have all read the research about how many escorts have regular clients who just want to talk before and after a “meeting.” There is a reason for this i imagine and it is that those clients have no one to just talk to who has no agenda to pursue, it is a business transaction.

It is not so simple for subs, we need Someone to talk to, to tell our deepest darkest secrets to, and then we want Them to accept us for who we are, and take us on a trip, that we have only ever been able to take in our fantasies. As they take us there They will reassure us on Our/our journey, telling and showing us that it is ok to go to that place, and afterwards they will bring us back safely. A Great Domme knows how to do this, and  understands the value and importance of aftercare. Aftercare is time that the sub bonds with them and leaves the session feeling safe and secure.

i fought aftercare. It was too hard to accept what had gone on in session, my fantasies realized were too powerful for me to comprehend. When a fantasy remains a fantasy anyone can push that back into the “i really didn’t mean it” part of one’s brain. Once a Domme makes your fantasy real, there is no putting that fantasy back in the bottle – you are now facing a new reality that can be scary, disturbing and for many subs simply overwhelming, because someone else now knows.

The checklist that you complete before you see a Domme makes one “address and confess” these desires and fantasies and begin the sharing with another person. This is a soul-searching leap of faith and if the sub has found the wrong Domme things can go wrong fast, because the sub has now shared the “big secret” with Someone else, Someone in a  position of power, and if the sub doesn’t have the feeling of being 100% safe, they can retreat and struggle with being a submissive.

This is important to understand  because there is an enormous difference between “being submissive,” and “being a submissive.”

What happens next?  Well in my case i have just given up trying to understand what happens next because the Domme/sub relationship has now moved to a higher level.

We all know the Hollywood stars who fly to see their psychiatrist, well the same thing happens when you have let go and given yourself to your special Mistress. There is only one true Mistress for you and this S/d relationship has changed because now when You/you both session, you are letting yourself be used to feed Your Mistress’s desire. I have now glimpsed this, had it whispered in my ear and understand the only thing i need to know is that i am now a player in a far greater scene, a scene that gives Her pleasure and meets Her needs. my pleasure will come from servitude, obedience and feeding Her needs and desires.

This brings us back to the checklist that you, the sub, filled out so many sessions ago. Now that you have truly passed yourself over to your Mistress , you have given Her Carte Blanche to fulfill Her needs. This doesn’t mean that if you stated no marks, that you will now return home striped like a Zebra, but if you were a greedy slut and checked off every box a fantasy review may be in order.

If you checked of you had a fantasy for ‘forced bi’ and every time your Mistress had ridden you or taken your mouth,  She had whispered in your ear, “Would you suck a real one for me, or I want to take you to a gay club and make you service some boys, would you do that for me?” think carefully about the answer you checked off long ago.

If something feeds Your Dominatrix’s hunger, and you truly want to go there,  you need to understand the ramifications of crossing over that bridge with Her. you are stepping into what i view as the highest level of a truly submissive relationship where the Domme uses you exclusively for Her pleasure.

It has taken me a long time  and nearly spoiled a wonderful relationship with my Mistress while i fumbled and bumbled along , but now i have emotionally crossed that bridge with Her guidance, and trust that Her affection will lead me safely on the other side.

i hope that you all can find your bridge, cross it safely with your Mistress, and enjoy the other side.
Mistress Ayn’s gls.

Au revoir 2014

Mistress Ayn NYE 2014


As the year draws to an end, it makes Me reflective and I think of all the things in life for which I am thankful.   My subs are a big part of My life and give Me so much – both  emotionally and materially.   For every special occasion you faithfully fill My inbox with well wishes and My mailbox with goodies.   Because of My subs I have one of the best toy collections in the industry – and it continues to grow.  My closet overflows with boots, shoes, corsets, stockings and all things sexy and fetish.  I never forget how fortunate I am to have such generous subs.  Nor do I forget that the best gift you give Me is your trust and submission.

This year, like every year was full of gains and and some losses.  I broke the 2000 follower mark on Twitter (that seemed to take forever), launched My clips store, gained some wonderful new clients, had a custom spanking bench made for Me, was given the amazing Venus 2000 (which has really been a gift to everyone!) and received an impressive number of reviews – which helps Me maintain My reputation as the “Most Highly Reviewed Mistress in the Region”.    However, it was not without losses.  My favorite whip maker (Joe Strain) retired.  Thankfully I have an absolute “work of art” custom made snake whip to remember him by.  One of My best subs just found out he is moving away – ending a 2 year journey together.  News of this kind always makes Me sad, but life is like breathing.  You have to let air out in order to take more in.

Looking to 2015, I am excited.  On the travel front, I am looking to expand into at least one new city, so if you are reading this and want Me to pay your city a visit, let Me know.  I also have plans to launch a new content/membership site that I am hoping will be the embryo for something that the industry needs.  Look for more on that in the upcoming months.

So in bidding 2014 goodbye, I want to thank you all and wish you the very best for 2015.  Ring in the New Year safely and remember to keep it kinky!

The Best Advice for Contacting a ProDomme for the First Time.

It’s not uncommon to hear a ProDomme go off on a rant about what we call “wankers” (read time wasters), but often I think it’s not so much that the prospective submissive is intentionally trying to steal a Dommes time as much as it is ignorance to the ways of Our world.  I have often thought of putting together a “how to” article for prospective subs, but the folks at have done a superb job and saved Me all the work.

Below is the article in its entirety along with the occasional note from Me.


13 Absolute “No-No’s” when Meeting a ProDomme for the First Time!!!

You’ve Aynofficechair (2)ethought about it for a long time, you’ve searched and now you’ve found the Domme that will “pop your cherry” and introduce you to that oh so craved world of BDSM. Well good for you! In this article we’re going to list and explain some of the biggest mistakes first timers make when approaching a professional dominatrix and hopefully we’ll save you some embarrassment and disappointment.


One of the most annoying things for a pro-domme is her client’s not knowing what they want when they call and ask a million questions like:

  • “I’m not sure what I want…
  • “Can you give me some ideas?”

Sure the world of BDSM is very vast and the opportunities are endless, but anybody and everybody should have at least a vague idea of what they are looking to achieve during a session.

  • Do you want to get spanked?
  • Do you like to worship feet?
  • Do you want to be tied up, humiliated, and punished?
  • Or maybe you have a specific fetish??

Professional dommes often have a list of the services they engage in on their personal websites. Do yourself a favor and read those very carefully before initiating any contact with a dominatrix. This way if you don’t see your “thing”, then you can just keep searching and avoid wasting everyone’s time. Remember, there is nothing wrong about not being sure of your desires, just take some time to really think and research before you pick up your phone or start writing that email.

**Mistress Ayn note:  When you do make email contact, be succinct and plan your communication.  One of My pet peeves is an endless chain of emails asking questions, adding interests. etc.  It makes it impossible to keep everything straight and it just plain irritating.  

One last thing before we wrap this part up. If you’re calling your mistress simply because you’re horny, you’re in big trouble. Dominatrices are not sex workers!!! They will not satisfy your sexual needs!!!


First time clients tend to have a very high flake rate. This may be caused by a list of factors such as nervousness, indecisiveness and/or fear. However none of these are really an excuse to flake on your domme! Here are some things to take under consideration before you decided to not show up for your appointment. Your domme probably took a great deal of time to prepare and pamper herself for your time together. She probably turned down other clients so she can see you. If you do not show up for your appointment, you will most likely never be able to schedule another one in the future.  Another thing to consider is that dommes often have “black list” or “flake lists” of clients that they share with other dommes. Once you get on that list, you’re done!!! Always keep in mind, if you disappoint your domme before you even meet her your chances of ever being in the company of ANY domme are slim to none. Professional dommes often don’t give second chances and they absolutely despise their time being wasted!


Dominatrices are used to being treated with a great respect. Always be polite, always address your mistress by Mistress, Goddess or whatever she prefers, if you are not sure, ask, politely. NEVER EVER call a domme “baby”, “sweetie”, “hunny” or anything related to those!  This will make your domme very, very angry and unhappy with you!

Don’t ever argue or try to negotiate with her boundaries. If her website strictly says that she doesn’t do something, don’t call her and ask anyway. You are not an exception to her rules! Begging or negotiating boundaries is pathetic and will not get you anywhere!

Don’t call your mistress after her listed working hours. This is another sign of disrespect and red flag for her. If she doesn’t accept texts, don’t text her. If she doesn’t respond to blocked numbers, don’t be a smart ass and block your number. If your domme has her hours of availability listed and you’ve read them, don’t ask for an appointment outside of these hours. Respect ALL limits, rules and etiquette! If she requires 24 hour notice for booking, don’t contact her at 2pm and ask for a session at 3pm. If she requires information for her screening, provide her with it and make sure it is as accurate as possible. Not following instructions and being disrespectful is a sign of ignorance and stupidity. If she has to refer you to her website after each of your questions, you have failed!


Once you’ve educated yourself on all of the requests and etiquette of the domme you selected to “pop your cherry” you can initiate the contact. Here are a few things you should be mindful of and never do during this process.

If you are contacting a domme via phone always begin with introducing yourself by first and last name and right after that let her know where you found her ad and what your interest is. Don’t elaborate too much. A simple “I am interested in the session you offer” is enough for her to get an idea of what you’re looking for. Never ask a domme “Is this…?”!!! You are the one who called her, so you have be the one presenting yourself and your purpose and listening very careful to her instructions and guidance. A few other no-brainers are: Don’t interrupt her, don’t ever ask for anything illegal and always address her as Mistress, Miss, Madame, Goddess etc. Another huge pet peeve dommes have is clients calling with questions like:

  • “What are you gonna do to me?”

This instantly puts you in the “bad client” list. It normally means you are looking for free phone sex, and dommes know it. You won’t get it!!! All you’ll probably end up with is a cold response, quick hang up and your dick in your hand…Oh and any chances of actually being in the presence of that domme are out the door. If you’re too nervous to meet for a session or you just want one over the phone, you will have to pay. Most dommes have the option to session over the phone and they have their prices for that service listed on their website. So be a doll and just follow the rules!

Often time’s dommes do not like to be contacted by phone. In that case look for an email or a form to fill out. One of the biggest rookie mistakes you can make when approaching a dominatrix via email is to write her one or two word emails. Things like “HI…”, “I want a session…”, or “You’re hot…” will most likely piss of your Domme and guarantee your email to be deleted without even a second look. Contacts like this say a lot about the person who writes them and every professional domme knows it. Firstly, it shows little to no respect for the process. Most of the time dominatrices have a personal website that they urge you to visit and read through before initiating a contact. If you didn’t take the time to read their website, why should she take the time to respond to you?!? Second, it shows your inability to follow instructions and obey simple rules. If you can’t do that, then you will probably not follow the directions your domme gives you during your session. Last but not least, it tells the provider you are not really serious and/or ready to dive into the world of domination. To sum this up, if you think you’re ready for your first encounter with a dominatrix, the number one rule is very simple –READ HER WEBSITE!!!

**Mistress Ayn note:  Don’t send unsolicited photos – especially of your genitals.  Do you really think they are special?


If you are so broke or cheap and you can’t afford to tribute your domme, but still decide to approach her with some question in the lines of “Can I be your personal slave?” or “How may I serve you (Without actually paying you for it)?”  Be prepared for not so pleasant response, if you even get rewarded with one… If a prodomme needs a personal slave or someone to serve her for free, chances are she already has not just one, but a few of those. The lesson to learn here is, don’t be cheap, because the services and the company of a professional dominatrix aren’t!! If you can’t afford it at the moment, wait, save and then contact…

There are better alternatives than asking a pro to do her job for free. Here are some useful tips on what you can do instead of bugging your local dommes for free stuff:

  • Become active in your local BDSM community. Explore fetish parties, events and BDSM classes
  • Have a talk with your partner and see if they are interested in exploring some BDSM activities with you.
  • Find a partner that is open to BDSM


Never contact a dominatrix and give them a shopping list of things you want in your session, then offer a very low rate.  This just pisses her off and you may not even get a return email.  Imagine if you went to a restaurant and wanted to order $300 worth of food and wine then you explain to your waiter you only have $50.  Obviously, that would never work and you and I both know you would never ever try something like that, so don’t assume that will work with your prodomme.  Haggling or negotiating over her prices is a huge RED flag, most dommes will see it as a sign of major disrespect and that you are probably not someone she wants as a client.  If a domme is offering any discounts or multiple services, she will let you know. You asking for it may get you in big trouble. But then, maybe that’s exactly what you’re looking for…

Mistress Ayn boot in faceCAN I…..

Just STOP right now!  If you are about to ask a pro-domme any question related to any sexual activity, better just assume that the answer is no. Most professional dommes have very strict rules about engaging in any sort of sexual activity or nudity on their part. This is also one of the main things listed on their personal website. Asking a dominatrix for sex is probably the rudest, most disrespectful thing to do! That means you assume they are an escort, and oh man are you wrong!!! ProDommes are NOT escorts!  Just because you saw some porno online where the dominatrix had sex with her submissive, does not mean that is going to EVER happen in real life, so never ask or assume.  There are plenty of escorts who offer some sort of fetish related services and even some who specialize in combining sex with femdom, contact them if you are seeking that.



You’ve passed the initial contact with your domme, you were lucky enough to set up your first appointment, good for you!!! Now you probably think, “I’m in! Nothing can go wrong anymore.” Not so fast! We all know that sometimes life happens, and plans get interfered with. The day of your appointment you get stuck in a meeting/traffic or you simply get nervous and petrified. That’s ok. Get ahold of your domme as soon as possible and let her know of your circumstances. Be respectful, apologize, especially if you are about to cancel.  If you had to cancel, one of the best way to make up for a cancelled session is to send a gift to your domme. Visit her website, check out her wishlist, send an email gift certificate or simply send her the gift of cash via PayPal. Any of those will put you back on the good side and will buy you mercy.


Don’t be late and always show up on time!  If the location of your domme is in a high traffic area, take that into account and leave early.  We do understand that accidents and other unforeseen acts of nature do happen, which is fine, however what is not fine is not to call your domme who is sitting, waiting and thinking you flaked! Most dominatrices schedule sessions back to back, if you show up late don’t expect to get your full session, and do expect to be charged for a full session price.


Never show up early…ever!  Discretion is a big part of this business and to show up early is just plain rude.  Understand, that she may be in a session with another client, or maybe she is still getting ready.  If your meeting place is a dungeon then maybe the room she booked for your session is not ready yet. If for some reason you happen to be early ALWAYS contact her first, and request if she can see you earlier.  Sometimes it is not an issue, or even preferable, but always ask first.


TAKE A SHOWER!!! We realize that this may sound too obvious to even mention, but we want to stress the importance of your hygiene. All dommes take very great care of themselves and always make sure they are at their best when in session with a client and they expect the same in return.


When seeing your Domme don’t ever ask for personal information such as

  • “Are you married?”Mistress Ayn hush
  • “Do you have a boyfriend?”
  • “Do your parents know you do this type of work?”

Or probably the most hated question:

  • “What else do you do?”

Think about what comes out of your mouth before you speak. None of that information is any of your business, and in regards to the question “What else do you do?” – Seriously, you just paid me a huge sum of money in a very short amount of time, why would you think I have any other job, and even if I did have a regular job do you think it is any of your business!  Last thing a domme needs is having a customer show up at their place of work.


At the end of your session, if you had an absolute great time – tell your domme. She will appreciate it.  Don’t call after your session to thank her! An email or a text message is enough.  One of the best ways to show how much you appreciated her time and/or enjoyed the session is by tipping.  You may not know this, but if your session took a place in a Dungeon, your domme is probably paying a fee to use that space, and most often than not those are pretty pricy. A tip in that case is very much appreciated. A respectful tip is $20, $50 is considered a good tip. Don’t tip less than $20!


Article by Shea Blackwell

For this and other great articles visit

Scent training in BDSM slave training

Mistress Ayn's pantiesRecently a sub emailed Me the following question: “If you reward an erection with a strong nipple pinch, soon a nipple pinch will cause an erection for him whenever you want. Does this work?” My answer was, “possibly depending on the sub and other factors”. What is described here is conditioning and anchoring. Eventually the sub should associate the two events interchangeably – so it is possible to get a Pavlovian response.

This question started Me thinking about other types of associations and training. It is said that scent is actually the strongest sense for recall, so it is only natural that scent training can be a powerful tool in slave training. Since each human has their own slightly unique scent, it makes for some interesting possibilities. Because of this, I never wear perfume. I want My natural scent to fill the slaves nostrils.

I am an up close and personal Domme. I invade your personal space in session and I want you to be able to smell Me. My hair, My skin, My breath – all of Me. By enveloping you in My scent, it allows Me to get you where I want you mentally, faster in subsequent sessions.

Panty sniffing can be effective and amusing, too. Of course, most sluts enjoy smelling their Mistress’s essence and what a marvelous tool for training. I have sent subs home with a pair of My worn panties and instructed them to only masturbate while inhaling My scent. It doesn’t take long for just the faintest sent of Me to cause a throbbing erection. This of course, facilitates in the subs training. Imagine now, that he is in chastity while sniffing those panties. Simply put a pair of worn panties under his nose and he becomes quite pliable.

This all just underscores how much like Pavlov’s dogs men really are.

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