Category Archives: Miscellaneous Musings

There is a new “Max Fisch”


As some of you know, the website Max Fisch has been steadily declining.  It is sad because MF has been a fixture in the FemDom scene for many years.  Unfortunately it is now unmanned, they are not adding new Mistresses to listings, you can’t register as a new member of The Hang (the discussion forums) and many have left due to the un-moderated flaming on the board.  With no new blood coming in it has become a relic.

Well, there is a new board in town.  The website has been around for years and it appears they are under new ownership (or the owners decided to pay attention to it again).  Now in addition to Domme listings, they have a Traveling Domme section and a Max Fisch-like discussion board called The Buzz.

I am proud to announce they have given Me My Own Domme Board and made Me a moderator.  So I want all My minions to go register and let’s make the Mistress Ayn Domme Board the best one on The Buzz.  Feel free to start discussions and participate in existing ones.

The site still has some issues, so if you encounter problems let them know – or tell Me and I will pass it along.  The bottom line is that it appears MF is on its last leg and I wouldn’t be surprised if it just disappeared one day  – but now there is a new alternative – if we will just support it.

So check out the site, register for the board and let’s talk . . . (main site)

The Buzz (go directly to the discussion forums)

Note:  I have had some issues using the site with the Chrome browser.  It looks like it’s optimized to work best with Internet Explorer (sigh).  I have brought it to the attention of the site administrator that half the planet uses a browser other than I.E. these days, so hopefully that is on their to do list. Affiliate Program now available

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Do you have a fetish blog or website?  Do you have a following on Twitter or other social media?  Then consider becoming an affiliate of

Simply go to the member sign up page and register.  (No payment is required.)  Click on the “Affiliate Info” tab and there you will find your unique link to post as you like.  You will also find banners to add to your website or blog – all with your affiliate link embedded.

Once you post the link or banners you will get paid 15% on both monthly and annual signups every time someone clicks through and joins.  It’s that easy.  Currently it shows the only payout option is via check, but we can arrange other means of payment if you like.

Get started now.  Click Here.

Why every man should be pegged.

Pegging MistressOf course, I have long believed that every man should be on the receiving end of a strapon at least once in his life. To Me it is one of the purest examples of true power exchange that exists. The men whose “cherries” I have taken seem truly affected by it – mostly for the better.  So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it was a man that finally put the “why” into words I think everyone can understand.  Several days after a session, I received the following email (truncated), entitled, “Why every man should be pegged.” I have left the title intact, as I have his words:

“First, if the man orgasms during strapon sex he can experience the orgasm much as a woman does because of the prostate stimulation. [I recall a session where] i experienced the orgasm as women describe them — ever escalating pleasure followed by a plateau, in what seemed to be an endless cycle of increasing ecstasy. The orgasm lasted far longer than the ejaculation (i am amazed at the number of men who don’t know that orgasm and ejaculation are not synonyms and that it is the ejaculation that usually cuts short the orgasm). i even arched my back as women will sometimes do during a great orgasm.

If the man doesn’t orgasm during strap on, he can experience being taken solely for the partner’s pleasure as is often the case for women. Last week, i felt You truly ravished me solely for Your lust and not for my pleasure. And it was great being used solely as an instrument for Your enjoyment. It is valuable for men to experience this because this is often how women experience sex with men.

Lastly, strap on sex can teach a man that foreplay is not merely pleasurable; it is sometimes essential in getting your partner ready for penetration. i was impressed at how patient You were in getting my anus to open. You took a lot of time and paid a lot of attention to doing that, without which the experience would have been extremely unpleasant (if even possible). Men need to know that. The flip side of this is that pegging can teach women that foreplay is sometimes hard work; doors occasionally just will not open.” – anonymous sub

So, if you haven’t been “taken” by an Alpha Female, maybe you should give it a try.  It just might be life changing . . .

For the real deal – schedule a session:  Mistress Ayn – Atlanta Dominatrix 

For the fantasy, see a variety of strapon videos on My fan site:


BDSM provides catharsis and creates inner calm

Atlanta-dominatrixI often tell people that a good BDSM session can be spiritual..  Many look at Me like I am crazy, but for those that have experienced it, you know what I mean.  The ability to truly let go in session can open doorways in the mind that allow a mental processing that is not common in everyday life.  It is not unusual for Me to hear feedback that a sub miraculously had a solution to a problem that had been troubling him or that it felt as if they had gone on a mini-vacation and now felt relaxed and renewed.   Subspace is an altered state of mind and great things can happen in that altered state if you just allow it.

What gets a sub to that place is different from sub to sub.  What follows are excerpts from a review of a session where something magical happened.

” . . .  The first feeling of exhilaration hit me as I lifted my chin to accept her collar and smoothly leaned forward for the buckling . . .

Over the next three hours, Mistress Ayn put me through my paces with an increasingly intense and severe set of implements. They ranged from the traditional to the wicked.  But no matter how intense it became, Mistress Ayn was always intuitive and quick to intervene with a “rescue”: a moment of gentle caresses, a shoulder to rest on, and whispers of encouragement coaxing me to accept more. She had moved me to a place of physical and emotional vulnerability, but never once violated it. She created a safe space for me. I knew that I may be pushed, but not so far as to fall off the edge.

As we progressed to the climax, I was secured to a spanking bench for the final severity. This round of corporal punishment served as the prelude to her legendary strap on training skills. Ensuring that I was well prepared for that scenario, she gave me my first asshole caning.

Yes, she caned me “there”. Outside of the strap on invasion that followed, it was the most potent reminder that a submissive’s body belongs to the dominant, and that nothing is hidden.

She brought me down to earth, holding my hand and encouraging me to take it easy the rest of the day. There’s so much more that transpired, but I can do no better than this: Mistress Ayn successfully weaves together the role of nurturer and comforter as well as torturer and tormentor.

I walked out of her dungeon with peace and inner calm . . . ”

To read the full review, visit Max Fisch.

So the next time you feel the stresses of life are weighing you down, a good “BDSM therapy session” with your friendly neighborhood Dominatrix might be just what the doctored ordered. now Live!


I’ve been hinting that something big was in the works and now it’s time for the reveal.  Announcing – a place where devoted subs can belong. It’s My World and it contains “Everything Ayn”.  All My clips, photos, recordings, and other exclusive content.

What’s here:

  • Clips – Why buy one clip at a time when, for the price of one or two clips, you can have then all?  Content is updated at least once weekly.  you’ll find clips here you can’t find on Clips4Sale or anywhere else.
  • Customs – Ever dreamed of a custom video or recording?  Imagine a clip or audio recording that speaks to you, one that is fueled by your fantasies and helps deepen your submission.  Customs are now available to members.
  • Photos – No more scouring the internet and ads for images. They are all here – many you have never seen. All are viewable online and downloadable.

All videos are filmed in HD and content is viewable online or by download.

Low introductory membership.  Join now at the introductory price of only $14.95 per month and enjoy that low rate for as long as you keep your membership active.  Sign up is easy and you can cancel at any time

Discreet billing.  Concerned about charging this to your card?  your privacy is important to Me.  The site is secure and the billing I.D. on your card statement is discreet and does not tie back to Me or the site if you do an internet search.   If you prefer, most prepaid credit cards (Visa gift cards, vanilla visa, etc) are accepted.  To use most prepaid cards you will need to visit the card’s website and associate a zip code (any zip code is fine) and then use that zip code at checkout.

For those in My stable, membership is a must and it is a small tithe to pay for the privilege.  Imagine the assignments I could give you, using this content.   Pre-session instructions can take on a whole new dimension and distance training can be more challenging and real.

For a preview of what’s in store visit  Watch trailers, view models, then join and start being a part of My World.



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