Image by Sardax. www.Sardax.com
Installment #16 – “Running the Numbers” as Mistress Ayn’s slaveboy
Sometimes “running the numbers” – i.e., counting things – helps explain what it means to be Mistress Ayn’s slaveboy.
Before i became Mistress Ayn’s slaveboy, i would typically masturbate every two to three days. Then, Mistress Ayn placed me in indefinite chastity and Her cock became completely under Her control. Running the numbers, i would have masturbated regularly during the past eight months (around 242 days), from when Mistress Ayn agreed to be my Keyholder until now, and had around 97 orgasms.
As Mistress Ayn’s slaveboy, things have certainly changed. i have been permitted eight, yes eight, orgasms over the past eight months — not exactly the 97 orgasms i would have enjoyed without Mistress Ayn being my Keyholder. That averages to one orgasm every 30 days – once a month, as opposed to orgasming every two or three days. Adding in the one unauthorized orgasm while trapped in the Venus 2000 and the ten ordered, ruined orgasms over the past eight months that comes to a total of 19 ejaculations in 242 days, or one every 12.7 days.
Keeping in mind that Mistress Ayn once ordered me to have three ruined orgasms in one hour and at another time to have one ruined orgasm, then two ruined orgasms in an hour, and then three ruined orgasms in two hours on three consecutive days as punishments. So, in actuality, the ejaculations have come farther apart from each other than it seems.
Running the numbers shows the change in my life. It shows how often i am allowed to enjoy “my” cock, which is now Mistress Ayn’s cock. It shows that i am allowed to pleasure myself far less often now that Mistress Ayn is my Keyholder.
Moreover, the purpose behind an orgasm has changed. It used to be for my hedonistic pleasure – an intense, mind-blowing, body-exhausting, self-gratifying orgasm. Now, with Mistress Ayn as my Keyholder, things are different. Mistress Ayn explained it best when She last directed me to orgasm: “I want you to orgasm so you know what you are missing when I deny you permission.”
It is possible that, for some subs, chastity is about regularly scheduled orgasms. As Mistress Ayn’s chastity slaveboy, it is about remembering what i gave up for the honor of being Mistress Ayn’s slaveboy. And, it is so worth it!
Image courtesy of Sardax. For more fabulous images visit http://sardax.com/.