Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
As a professional Dominant the only thing I have for sale is My time. Unfortunately too many want to steal it. By stealing I mean:
- Calling to discuss your kinks, ask questions that are available on My website or just chat. I charge for those types of calls and have a NiteFlirt account set up just for this purpose. I stopped answering My phone because 9 out of 10 callers are there to attempt to steal.
- Emailing and requesting an extended session (Dommes are going to be really nice to you if you dangle a 3-4 hour session in front of them, right?) in the future and then attempting to ask questions, exchange photos, etc. leading up to that session – which probably will never happen. That’s an old trick and most of Us are wise to it.
- Setting up a session and then wanting to call to discuss the session in advance.
- Wanting to DM on Twitter, Fetlife, Facebook and other social media.
An experienced Domme can spot these tricks a mile away and it’s one reason deposits have become so prevalent. If you want a professional’s time, pay for it. If you want to discuss the session prior, fine. I will charge you for the call and if you follow through with the session in a timely manner I will apply half the fee to the session. Most of Us do paid phone sessions, email exchanges and such in addition to real time sessions. Just ask. Don’t be “that” guy.