Category Archives: Miscellaneous Musings

The vote is in and the contest was won.

contestIt’s official. Ayn’s Army Ruled. To the Victor goes the spoils!  A big thank you to everyone that voted and encouraged others to vote.  The final tally is no longer visible, but I heard the end result was around 3000 votes to the nearest competition’s 2000 votes.  That’s a respectable margin.

Another big thank you goes to Goblin Fruit Photography for the entry winning photo.

My bespoke corset has been ordered and another photo shoot will be in order once it is delivered.  Be sure to visit Corset Deal’s website.  They even have men’s corsets.

Help Me win a custom made corset. Vote!

Mistress Ayn UPDATE:  I am currently in first place, so let’s keep it that way.  2200 votes and counting . . .

Corset Deal is offering a custom tailored corset to the winner of their new photo contest. I threw My hat into the ring and am now needing all My fans’ support (and vote) in order to pull this one out.  you all want to see Me in a new corset, don’t you?   The more votes I get on this photo, the better chance I have at winning, so follow the link, search for Ayn if you don’t immediately see Me, and then click to vote. You need a facebook account to vote, but it doesn’t show your vote on your profile and you don’t have to hit the “share” button when you have finished.  That function doesn’t appear to be working anyway.

You can vote about every 6 hours, so vote often. If you vote, reply to this post and tell Me what number you were. I want to be able to thank all the people that helped.

To keep up with all the crazy fun on Facebook, friend Me at

Photo courtesy of Goblin Fruit Photography.


FAQ #23 – Is it necessary to have my session in a real Dungeon?

Atlanta DungeonI am often asked if I do outcalls and the answer is “NO”.  To Me, nothing compares to a session in a real, fully equipped dungeon.  I session in hotels when I travel out of necessity, but you can’t have a St. Andrew’s Cross or a spanking bench in a hotel room.  It’s not only about the equipment, it is the whole atmosphere.  For a submissive, knowing that you have walked into the lair of a Dominant Woman is akin to walking into the lair of a Lioness.  It fills you with awe and fear  . . . and it should.

In the fully equipped Atlanta Dungeon I have a medical room, a main dungeon room, an isolation room (scream as loud as you like) an small domestic/reception area and a sissy/confinement room, so I can choose the best atmosphere for the planned session.

A real dungeon is where I am in My element.  That is where I belong and that is where you should submit.


What people think I do versus what I really do.



Still one of My favorite images.

whatpeoplethinkido-46-dominatrix (2)

Overnight Sessions – what to expect

MistressAynDecNW-31e“If you have ever been skydiving, it felt like that, only it lasted for 12 hours. A total twisting of time and space.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight

People often ask Me what to expect from an overnight session and although there is no “typical overnight” there are some general concepts that apply.  In this article, I speak for Myself only.  Each Domme handles overnights differently and some don’t offer overnights at all.  The tributes for overnights vary greatly too, so be sure you know what you are getting for the money spent.  I heard of a local Domme offering overnights for $800 but that included only 4 hours of play, a sleep over and then about 30 minutes of play the next morning.  Not a bad deal. In fact, it looks cheap compared to My tribute for an overnight, but the two experiences are not comparable.

  • Unless otherwise negotiated, overnights run from 8pm – 8am.
  • They may or may not include dinner at a restaurant where I may or may not engage in some discreet public play.
  • In general, overnights include at least 6 hours of intense dungeon play.  There may be short breaks to allow the sub to recuperate. These breaks may include sharing a small snack with Me, rubbing My feet or some alone bondage time – depending on the subs interests and My present need or mood.
  • Once the evening’s play has concluded (around 3-4am), the sub is either locked in a cage or chained to the floor for a short rest before morning wake up call.
  • About 90 minutes prior to departure time, I will awake the sub and usually engage in some sort of short play.  If you have been teased and locked away in chastity, this may be your chance for release if you have been a good boy.  If you are a human toilet, I may decide to relieve Myself.  If you have been taught to be a good slut, I may test some of your training.  I think you get the picture.  This is also a time that allows for bonding and additional aftercare prior to the sub getting a shower and preparing to re-enter the real world.
  • Additional players (Mistresses, female subs, vanillas) require additional tribute
  • Outings usually do not require additional tribute beyond the cost to enter the venue.
  • Overnights are only possible at the fully equipped Atlanta Dungeon.  I do not do overnights while traveling,

“It was a glimpse of a fantasy lifestyle. If you are considering this, I highly recommend you take the plunge.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight session

What I like about overnights:  Overnights (and even longer sessions) offer the closest thing to lifestyle play that there is in the Professional Domination world.  There is no thought of a clock.  I don’t worry about the pacing of the session.  In fact I seldom have a session plan for overnights.  I simply get very familiar with the subs interests and then allow the session to take U/us where it naturally flows.

“I have been visiting Pro Dommes for the past 20 some years and my experience last week was a game changer.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight session

Reviews of some of My Overnights:

To arrange an overnight, you will need to complete the experience/fetish form if you have not already done so.  The base tribute is $1750 and 20% deposit is required to book.

 “I was allowed to sleep on the dungeon’s floor as a poor remnant of what I used to be.” – excerpt from a review of an overnight session



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